Is Blockchain Right for Your Business?

8 minute read It’s a classic coming-of-age story: breakthrough technology excites technical community who experiment and evolve it; true believers champion the technology to a wider audience; it becomes a buzzword; the big guys swoop in to make it accessible to the masses. Are we talking about artificial intelligence, conversational interfaces like Alexa, computer vision?

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Offshoring: The Promise and the Peril

4 minute read Offshoring. The word fills finance people with hope and technical people with trepidation. It can be a CFO-CIO battleground. Here at Mind Over Machines, we understand why companies offshore IT operations. It works well…for certain types of projects. But for the strategic software development that is our bread and butter, it’s proven…

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What Does CES 2018 Mean for Business?

4 minute read CES 2018 – the Consumer Technology Association’s annual cavalcade of high-tech wonders – was held last week in Las Vegas. Honestly, we love the CES hype as much as anyone, but hype doesn’t always equal value. Mind Over Machines is about adding value to businesses, not about the newest consumer gadgets.

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Honey, I Shrunk the Furniture

4 minute read It’s 2018. Not being able to visualize whether an armchair will ruin the feng shui of your living room before you purchase it is simply unacceptable. For this reason, and a few others, the innovators at Amazon have released AR View, the company’s new augmented reality shopping experience.

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