What is a CRM?

3 minute read Whether or not they realize it, every business engages in customer relationship management (CRM). They develop and exercise processes and strategies to grow and maintain their customer base, with activities encompassing the entire customer lifecycle, from lead to loyalty.

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When You Get Stuck, Talk to the Duck

3 minute read What It Means to “Rubber Duck Debug” Do you ever get stuck on a coding problem and, to help figure it out, you begin talking to yourself, or to a rubber duck on your desk?  Just me? Okay. Well, it’s unfortunate society associates self-talk with lunacy, because this underutilized problem-solving tool is excellent for debugging.

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The Times, They Are ‘A Changin’

3 minute read It’s not news that the world of technology is changing. Anyone who operates in our society today is very aware of how technology continues to evolve and become increasingly integral to our lifestyle, professions, and even our health. The article below walks through some situations that you may be familiar with and…

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The Changing Landscape of CRM

5 Minute Read The following article was penned by our Director of Consulting, Dustin Sitton. It provides a more technical view of how advancements in CRM offerings are changing the way consultants and developers operate. Developers Have Been Waiting for This…Or Have They? The promise of an enterprise application so flexible and easy to use…

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