The WAE to Human Centric Automation

The WAE to Human-Centric Automation

It’s been a whole year, and we’re still in the throes of double disruption: global pandemic and recession. Both forces catapulting us into a brave, new automated world. And now we have the data to prove it. Millions of jobs are gone, and they’re probably not coming back, screams The Washington Post.   Anxious employees and employers alike all want to know, “What is…

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Transparent Partnership

Getting Real with Transparent Partnership

Twice a year, the entire Mind Over Machines team gathers to discuss the state of our union. We call these biannual summits our AllMINDs meetings. At the most recent one, I spoke about the importance of transparency, one of our organizational pillars. These 3 concepts are central to who we are: Transparent, Human-Centric, Data-Informed. So,…

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Business Lens Solutions

Business Lens Guides CIOs Through Assessment to Action

“We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.” That’s what Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella told shareholders back at the end of April. More recent platform usage stats tell us digital acceleration continues in full force. But a mass scramble to embrace remote work tools doesn’t tell us much about how enterprise is faring 9 months into the continuous disruption of a global pandemic. For that story, you need to listen to business leaders on the ground. Business Lens Guides CIOs Through Assessment to Action

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Human Roadmaps

Automation Prep: What is a Human Roadmap?

Just as technology roadmaps are essential for successful digital transformation, human roadmaps are essential for successful automation. Maps tell you where you are, where you’re going, and how to get there. What skills do your people have right now? Which skills will your staff need for the future? Remembering to synchronize your tech & human roadmaps is of the utmost importance

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Intern Innovators: Claire Bailey

Each summer, Mind Over Machines offers paid internships to stand-out candidates from throughout the Mid-Atlantic. This year, our investment was richly rewarded. Three innovative young professionals brought us new perspectives, diligent work ethics, and a zest for learning. Each is a much-appreciated breath of fresh air in these insulated COVID times. We’ve so enjoyed getting to know them…

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Intern Innovators: Antoine Kadouno

Each summer, Mind Over Machines offers paid internships to stand-out candidates from throughout the Mid-Atlantic. This year, our investment was richly rewarded. Three innovative young professionals brought us new perspectives, diligent work ethics, and a zest for learning. Each is a much-appreciated breath of fresh air in these insulated COVID times. We’ve so enjoyed getting…

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