Automation & Your Core Competency

The Great Resignation is still raging. SHRM reports an average of almost 4 million people quit their jobs in each month of 2021, far outpacing the previous record holder 2019’s paltry 3.5 million. And the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ preliminary data say we’re looking at another 4.25 million quitters in January 2022.  Business leaders…

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Remote Work Models

Hybrid Work that Works for You

In its latest Future Forum Pulse, Slack proclaims the Remote vs. Office debate is over. The Winner? Both! The international survey found 58% of knowledge workers are in hybrid work arrangements. This surprises exactly no one. If you give 21st-century humans a choice, they’re always going to pick Both/And. More options, more flexibility. And in…

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Data Science versus Analyst

Data Analyst vs. Data Scientist: Which do you need?

The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2020 ranks “data analysts and scientists” #1 for growing job demand, but the two roles are NOT interchangeable. Even before global pandemic struck, companies were struggling to make their data work for them. Now, thanks to the Great Reshuffle, your data analytics team (if you were fortunate…

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Amanda Milo’s Flagship Product is Empathy

Amanda Milo listens to people and then fixes their problems. If it weren’t for a slight case of trypanophobia and a little too much empathy, she’d be Dr. Milo. We here at Mind Over Machines are glad Amanda is afraid of needles and overly identifies with people in need because now, instead of hustling down…

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People and Project Success

When Your People Succeed, Projects Succeed

You’ve already got the dread. You have your eye on an enterprise application that seems perfect for your business, but the internet is screaming at you: 101 Reasons CRM Projects Fail!427% of ERP Projects Fail!Abandon hope all ye who enter here! Yes, the digital transformation failure rate is still hanging tough at 70%, and there…

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Automation and Project Management

Automation for Efficiency Junkies (Read: Project Managers)

I’m a project manager who disdains repetitive, manual processes. If there’s a way to do something more efficiently, I’m going to find it. That drive hardly makes me unique in my field. Global staffing firm Robert Half says a project manager “focuses on completing a project as efficiently and promptly as possible.” Many of us…

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