Welcome Your New Bot Co-Worker

Welcome Your New Bot Co-Worker! Regardless of the specifics of your bot, you can always expect the same things: reliable consistency, accessibility, and transparency. You are still calling the shots. The software simply follows the logic it was built and programmed to follow. If your bot bothers you, it’s because it has hit a problem/outlier that requires human intervention, and it was programmed to ask for it in a certain way, at a certain time.   

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Automation Puts the Human Back in Human Resources

Every top-level executive will tell you people are their organization’s greatest asset. The human resources profession was created to find, engage and retain that #1 asset. HR is supposed to advocate for people. It seems counterintuitive, but computers can make your workplace more human, and it starts with automating certain HR processes.

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Manufacturing and Data

MTForecast Recap: Manufacturing & Data

Last week I had the chance to go to Cleveland, the Rock and Roll Capital of the World and this year’s home of MTForecast from the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT). The theme of the conference was “Visualizing the future” and there was a lot of chatter around industry trends and data within the manufacturing…

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5 Things Not to Automate

We are Automation Nation. You know McKinsey’s stat: at least 30% to 60% of jobs can be automated with today’s technology. How much of your job have you managed to automate? We’re so proud of saving time and money, working smarter, being uber-efficient. I myself have several digital twins to do the grunt work so…

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