Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence Sans Perfect Data

Business intelligence (BI) is a little like starting a business or becoming a parent. You know there are big potential benefits (e.g., improved data visualization, operational efficiency and decision-making), but it’s an intimidating prospect. If you wait until you’re completely 100% ready, you’ll never take the leap. Gartner says a whopping 87% of organizations are…

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Manufacturing and Data

MTForecast Recap: Manufacturing & Data

Last week I had the chance to go to Cleveland, the Rock and Roll Capital of the World and this year’s home of MTForecast from the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT). The theme of the conference was “Visualizing the future” and there was a lot of chatter around industry trends and data within the manufacturing…

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Association Management Systems

Checklist: Evaluate Your Association Management System

The fact is 93% of associations use membership management software, but is it meeting their needs? Or does it have so many manual processes, band-aids and add-ons that it looks like Frankenstein’s monster? Your Association Management System (AMS) is the lifeblood of your organization. How do you evaluate its ability to nourish and sustain all the different body parts?…

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Integration in the Real World

Integration is the elephant in the room these days. As Gartner predicted way back in 2012, it’s consuming more resources than ever before because it’s more necessary than ever before. The explosion of cloud-enabled SaaS products means most companies are spending more on integration than development.

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A Symphony of Big Data

7 minute read Imagine what a symphony and big data have in common. Forget, for a moment, about attending the symphony or using a data management system—and imagine being the creator, or the architect. To compose a symphony, there must be an overarching understanding of how the entire orchestra works together to create harmony, coupled…

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