Virtual Entities: Are they a fit for your production environment?

If you were excited about the release of Virtual Entities as part of Microsoft Dynamics 365, you were probably equally puzzled about the limited documentation available. There is virtually (pun intended) no information on integrating Virtual Entities (VE) into a production environment. Many examples online don’t go beyond a “Hello World” integration using the Purdue course API. Fortunately, we have investigated Virtual Entities for a few  of our clients and wanted to share our discoveries as to the limitations and benefits.

When You Get Stuck, Talk to the Duck

3 minute read What It Means to “Rubber Duck Debug” Do you ever get stuck on a coding problem and, to help figure it out, you begin talking to yourself, or to a rubber duck on your desk?  Just me? Okay. Well, it’s unfortunate society associates self-talk with lunacy, because this underutilized problem-solving tool is excellent for debugging.