New tech exec

New Tech Exec Priority #1: Un-Busy Your Team

The Silver Tsunami and the Great Resignation have spelled serious upheaval for the workforce lately. 2020 saw a major increase in the number of Baby Boomers retiring. Then, in April, almost 4 million people quit their jobs. That’s a 2.7% national quit rate, the highest since the Bureau of Labor Statistics started tracking it. These…

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Automation is Efficiency: No Tech Required

Automation is Efficiency, No Tech Required

We started preaching automation almost two years ago now. In MINDs usual human-centric style, we embarked upon our Automation For All mission with a post titled 5 Things Not to Automate. The advice still holds up. Our automation team has learned a lot from the market over the last couple years. Companies often feel pressure to launch an automation initiative, or they are anxious…

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